Play With Purpose: Leveraging Games for Social Impact with Karla Reyes, Founder of Anima Interactive

In this presentation, we'll explore how games can be a force for social good, led by Karla Reyes, founder of Anima Interactive. We'll discover how gaming can address complex societal issues, foster empathy, and drive positive change.

About this session

In this presentation, we'll explore how games can be a force for social good, led by Karla Reyes, founder of Anima Interactive. We'll discover how gaming can address complex societal issues, foster empathy, and drive positive change.

Karla will share her experiences leveraging games for social impact and highlight the broader potential of gaming for creating a fairer world. We'll emphasize the integration of social impact models within gaming and the significant impact that partnerships between gaming companies and NGOs or corporations can yield.

The discussion will spotlight how such collaborations enhance the reach and relevance of social initiatives within gaming experiences. Attendees will learn practical strategies to create impactful alliances and how these partnerships can inspire positive behavioral changes and amplify social messaging.

By the end, participants will grasp the powerful synergy between social impact, gaming, and strategic partnerships. Armed with these insights, they'll gain a roadmap to infuse social impact into gaming models and forge meaningful collaborations, aiming to be catalysts for meaningful societal change.

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